Nepal Research
Website on Nepal and Himalayan Studies

Politics  (elections, Election Commission, election system, party registration)
Time in Taksindu:
Human Rights

Politics (general)
China and Tibet
Civil Society
Ethnic politics
Foreign policy
Janata Samajbadi Party - Nepal
Local politics
Loktantrik Samajbadi Party
Maoist parties
Monarchy and monarchists
Nayan Shakti Nepal
(May 2018 - March 2021)
Nepali Congress
Opinion polls
Parties (general)
Province 1
Province 2 (Madhesh)
Province 3 (Bagmati)
Province 4 (Gandaki)
Province 5 (Lumbini)
Province 6 (Karnali)
Province 7 (Sudurpashchim)
Rastriya Prajatantra Party

Rastriya Swatantra Party

Tarai / Madhesh
United Nations

Historical background:
Constituent Assembly
Nayan Shakti Party - Nepal
Northeast India
Rastriya Janata Party Nepal
Samajbadi Party - Nepal

Final result of HoR elections 2022, based on the Election Commission website

Lack of social inclusion in the newly elected House of Representatives

This is in stark contrast to the preamble of the 2015 Constitution, in which top politicians promised: ... "protecting and promoting social and cultural solidarity, tolerance and harmony, and unity in diversity by recognizing the multi-ethnic, multi-lingual, multi-religious, multi-cultural and diverse regional characteristics, resolving to build an egalitarian society founded on the proportional inclusive and participatory principles in order to ensure economic equality, prosperity and social justice, by eliminating discrimination based on class, caste, region, language, religion and gender and all forms of caste-based untouchability....."

Proportional representation: And the issue of threshold, by Birendra P Mishra (ht 27/01/2025)

Threshold for stability: A new political excuse, by Binay Mishra (rep 20/01/2025)

‘Improve electoral system assuring proportional and inclusive representation’ (kh 19/01/2025)

Message Of Local By-election, by Ballav Dahal (rn 09/12/2024), Three Big Parties Retain Dominance, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn 10/12/2024)

Homework On Electoral System Reform, by Mukti Rijal (rn 05/12/2024) [The electoral system is in need of reform, but the main reason for political instability is the abuse of it by the patriarchal party-political elite!]

Local level election results: NC leads followed by Maoist Center and UML (kh 03/12/2024), Congress loses the most from 2022. UML, Maoist Centre make gains : Kirtipur’s mayoral seat, the biggest prize in Kathmandu Valley in Sunday’s by-election, goes to Nepali Congress, by Purushottam Poudel (kp 03/12/2024)

RSP’s Rojina elected as Ward Chairperson of Kathmandu-16 (kh 02/12/2024), UML’s Shahi elected Chairman of Dailekh’s Mahabu Rural Municipality (kh 02/12/2024), Unified Socialist registers win in Gadhimai-8; NC in Ishnath-7 (kh 02/12/2024), 37 local by-election: NC tops, Maoist Center and UML trail (kh 02/12/2024), Maoist Center claims gains in by-elections as NC and UML struggle (rep 02/12/2024)

Khadka Raj Shahi elected Ward Chairperson in Tilagufa, Kalikot (kh 01/12/2024), Nepali Congress candidate Dhan Singh Kuwar wins in Duhu-5, Darchula (kh 01/12/2024), Bhupamani Pun Magar of Nepali Congress wins Ward Chairperson election in Runtighadhi-4, Rolpa (kh 01/12/2024)

By-elections for 41 local-level positions conclude with 62% voter turnout (kh 01/12/2024), Voter turnout drops in Kirtipur and Kathmandu 16 by-elections (kh 01/12/2024)

EC to provide real-time vote counting updates online (rn 30/11/2024)

Local by-election: Silence period comes into effect (kh 29/11/2024)

20 parties contesting 41 posts in local by-polls : Three of the 44 vacant posts have seen representatives elected unopposed (kp 28/11/2024)

Vehicles operating without permission during by-election to be fined Rs 25,000 (rep 24/11/2024)

Kirtipur mayoral race set to be a test for traditional parties : Surge of independent candidates may complicate the contest for Congress’ former seat, by Purushottam Poudel (kp 20/11/2024)

Maoist Center candidate unopposed in Rukum East (rn 20/11/2024) [??]

National Security Council recommends procedures for army mobilization in by-election (rn 20/11/2024)

Local by-elections: 407 candidates in the fray for 44 seats (kh 18/11/2024), 410 candidates file nominations for local by-elections : The Election Commission has enforced a code of conduct from Sunday (kp 18/11/2024), Complaints filed against two out of 410 by-election candidates (rep 19/11/2024)

Maoist Center and Unified Socialist agree to forge alliance in local by-elections in Kathmandu (kh 17/11/2024), Balen Shah not to endorse any candidate in Kathmandu’s by-election (kh 17/11/2024), NC and CPN-UML forge alliance in Rukum East by-election (kh) [The authoritarian and rather incompetent national leaders decide on party behaviour in local elections: This no longer has anything to do with democracy and federalism!]

Code of conduct comes into force for December 1 local by-elections : The set of restrictions takes effect starting today, the nomination day (kp 17/11/2024)

Nepali Congress and CPN-UML to compete independently in upcoming by-elections (kh 07/11/2024) [In a democratic system, this is a matter of course and not a favour from manipulating politicians!]

Local-level by-elections set for Dec 1 to fill 44 vacant seats, by Raghab Sharma (kh 06/11/2024), Local level by-elections: where and which posts? (rep 06/11/2024), Parties expedite candidate selection for local by-polls : The by-elections will be held on December 1 for various positions that have gone vacant (kp 07/11/2024) [The national level of the parties should have no say in the selection of local candidates!], RSP opts for primary elections to finalize local level by-election candidates (kh 07/11/2024)

Electoral reforms are essential not only for effective federalism but also for ensuring equal and quality representation, interview with Bipin Adhikari (sp 25/10/2024)

Rajendra Mahato submits application to EC for registration of new political party (rep 25/10/2024)